



  • Border Country, London, Chatto and Windus, 1960. 小野寺健訳『辺境』講談社、1972
  • Second Generation, London, Chatto and Windus, 1964.
  • The Volunteers, London, Eyre-Methuen, 1978.
  • The Fight for Manod, London, Chatto and Windus, 1979.
  • Loyalties, London, Chatto and Windus, 1985.
  • People of the Black Mountains, Volume 1: The Beginning, London, Chatto and Windus, 1989.
  • People of the Black Mountains, Volume 2: The Eggs of the Eagle, London, Chatto and Windus, 1990.


  • Reading and Criticism, London, Frederick Muller, 1950.
  • Drama from Ibsen to Eliot, London, Chatto and Windus, 1952. Revised edition, London, Chatto and Windus, 1968.
  • Raymond Williams and Michael Orrom, Preface to Film], London, Film Drama, 1954.
  • Culture and Society, London, Chatto and Windus, 1958. New edition with a new introduction, New York, Columbia University Press, 1963.
  • The Long Revolution, London, Chatto and Windus, 1961. Reissued with additional footnotes, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1965.
  • Communications, Britain in the Sixties Series, Harmondsworth, Penguin Special, Baltimore, Penguin, 1962: revised edition, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1966. Third edition, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1976.
    • 立原宏要訳『コミュニケーション』 合同出版、1969年
  • Modern Tragedy, London, Chatto and Windus, 1966. New edition, without play Koba and with new Afterword, London, Verso, 1979.
  • Stuart Hall, R. Williams and E. P. Thompson (eds.) New Left May Day Manifesto, London, May Day Manifesto Committee, 1967. R. Williams (ed.) May Day Manifesto, 2nd edition, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1968.
  • Drama in Performance, revised edition. New Thinkers Library, C. A. Watts, 1954
  • Drama from Ibsen to Brecht, London, Chatto and Windus, 1968.
  • The Pelican Book of English Prose, Volume 2:From 1780 to the Present Day, R. Williams, (ed.) Harmondsworth and Baltimore, Penguin, 1969.
  • The English Novel From Dickens to Lawrence, London Chatto and Windus, 1970.
  • Orwell, Glasgow, Collins, 1971.
  • The Country and the City, London, Chatto and Windus, 1973.
    • 山本和平他訳『田舎と都会』 晶文社、1985年
  • J. Williams and R. Williams (eds) D. H. Lawrence on Education, Harmondsworth, Penguin Education, 1973.
  • R. Williams (ed.) George Orwell: A Collection of Critical Essays, Twentieth Century Views, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1974.
  • Television: Technology and Cultural form, Technosphere Series, London, Collins, 1974.
  • Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society, Fontana Communications Series, London, Collins, 1976. New edition, New York, Oxford University Press, 1984.
  • M. Axton and R. Williams (eds) English Drama: Forms and Developments, with an introduction by R. Williams, Cambridge and New York, Cambridge University Press, 1977.
  • Marxism and Literature, London and New York, Oxford University Press, 1977.
  • Politics and Letters: Interviews with New Left Review, London, New Left Books, 1979. - New Left Reviewによるウィリアムズへのインタビュー集で、自伝的内容を含む
  • Problems in Materialism and Culture: Selected Essays, London, Verso, 1980.
  • Culture, Glasgow, Collins, 1981.
  • R. and E. Williams (eds) Contact: Human Communication and its History, London and New York, Thames and Hudson, 1981.
  • Cobbett, Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press, 1983.
  • Towards 2000, London, Chatto and Windus, 1983. US edition, The Sociology of Culture, with a Preface to the American edition, New York, Pantheon, 1984.
  • Writing in Society, London, Verso, 1983.
  • M. Williams and R. Williams (eds) John Clare: Selected Poetry and Prose, London and New York, Methuen, 1986.
  • Raymond Williams on Television: Selected Writings, Preface by R. Williams, A. O'Connor, (ed.) London, Routledge, 1989.
  • Resources of Hope, R. Gable (ed.) London and New York, Verso, 1989.
  • What I Came to Say, London, Hutchinson-Radius, 1989.
  • The Politics of Modernism, T. Pinkney (ed.) London and New York, Verso, 1989.


  • Red Earth, Cambridge Front, no. 2 (1941)
  • Sack Labourer, in English Short Story 1, W. Wyatt (ed.) London, Collins, 1941
  • Sugar, in R. Williams, M. Orrom, M.J. Craig (eds) Outlook: a Selection of Cambridge Writings, Cambridge, 1941, pp.7-14.
  • This Time, in New Writing and Daylight, no. 2, 1942-3, J. Lehmann (ed.) London, Collins, 1943, pp. 158-64.
  • A Fine Room to be Ill In, in English Story 8, W. Wyatt (ed.) London, 1948.


  • Koba (1966) in Modern Tragedy, London, Chatto and Windus. - 1979年版Modern Tragedyには収録されていない。スターリンやレーニンを思わせる人物が登場する。
  • A Letter from the Country, BBC Television, April 1966, Stand, 12 (1971), pp.17-34
  • Public Enquiry, BBC Television, 15 March 1967, Stand, 9 (1967), pp.15-53