■Fiction (novels)
1934 (2013). Die Erlebnisse des Genossen Piepvogel in der Emigration
1939. The Gladiators (about the revolt of Spartacus)
1940. Darkness at Noon
1943. Arrival and Departure
1946. Thieves in the Night
1951. The Age of Longing
1972. The Call-Girls: A Tragicomedy with a Prologue and Epilogue. A novel about scholars making a living on the international seminar-conference circuit. ISBN 978-0-09-112550-9
1945. Twilight Bar.
■Autobiographical writings
1937. Spanish Testament.
1941. Scum of the Earth.
1942. Dialogue with Death.
1952. Arrow In The Blue: The First Volume Of An Autobiography, 1905?31, 2005 reprint, ISBN 0-09-949067-6
1954. The Invisible Writing: The Second Volume Of An Autobiography, 1932?40, 1984 reprint, ISBN 0-8128-6218-X
1984. Stranger on the Square co-written with Cynthia Koestler, published posthumously, edited and with an Introduction and Epilogue by Harold Harris, London: Hutchinson, 1984, ISBN 0-09-154330-4.
NB The books The Lotus and the Robot, The God that Failed, and Von weissen Nachten und roten Tagen, as well as his numerous essays, all may contain further autobiographical information.
■Other non-fiction
1934. Von weissen Nachten und roten Tagen. About Koestler's travels in the USSR. In his The Invisible Writing, Koestler calls the book Red Days and White Nights, or, more usually, Red Days. Of the five foreign language editions ? Russian, German, Ukrainian, Georgian, Armenian ? planned, only the German version was eventually published in Kharkov, Ukrainian S.S.R.. The edition is very rare.
1937. L'Espagne ensanglantee.
1942 (summer) Le yogi et le commissaire.
1945. The Yogi and the Commissar and other essays.
1949. The Challenge of our Time.
1949. Promise and Fulfilment: Palestine 1917?1949.
1949. Insight and Outlook.
1955. The Trail of the Dinosaur and other essays.
1956. Reflections on Hanging.
1959. The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the Universe. ISBN 0-14-019246-8 An account of changing scientific paradigms.
1960. The Watershed: A Biography of Johannes Kepler. (excerpted from The Sleepwalkers.) ISBN 0-385-09576-7
1960. The Lotus and the Robot, ISBN 0-09-059891-1. Koestler's journey to India and Japan, and his assessment of East and West.
1961. Control of the Mind.
1961. Hanged by the Neck. Reuses some material from Reflections on Hanging.
1963. Suicide of a Nation.
1964. The Act of Creation.
1967. The Ghost in the Machine. Penguin reprint 1990: ISBN 0-14-019192-5.
1968. Drinkers of Infinity: Essays 1955?1967.
1970. The Age of Longing, ISBN 0-09-104520-7.
1971. The Case of the Midwife Toad, ISBN 0-394-71823-2. An account of Paul Kammerer's research on Lamarckian evolution and what he called "serial coincidences".
1972. The Roots of Coincidence, ISBN 0-394-71934-4. Sequel to The Case of the Midwife Toad.
1973. The Lion and the Ostrich.
1974. The Heel of Achilles: Essays 1968-1973, ISBN 0-09-119400-8.
1976. The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage, ISBN 0-394-40284-7.
1976. Astride the Two Cultures: Arthur Koestler at 70, ISBN 0-394-40063-1.
1977. Twentieth Century Views: A Collection of Critical Essays, ISBN 0-13-049213-2.
1978. Janus: A Summing Up, ISBN 0-394-50052-0. Sequel to The Ghost in the Machine
1980. Bricks to Babel. Random House, ISBN 0-394-51897-7. This 1980 anthology of passages from many of his books, described as "A selection from 50 years of his writings, chosen and with new commentary by the author", is a comprehensive introduction to Koestler's writing and thought.
1981. Kaleidoscope. Essays from Drinkers of Infinity and The Heel of Achilles, plus later pieces and stories.
■真昼の暗黒 / アーサー・ケストラー作 ; 中島賢二訳
東京 : 岩波書店 , 2009.8. - (岩波文庫 ; 赤(37)-202-1)
■ヨハネス・ケプラー : 近代宇宙観の夜明け / アーサー・ケストラー著 : 小尾信彌訳 : 木村博訳 東京 : 筑摩書房 , 2008.7. - (ちくま学芸文庫 ; [ケ1-3])
■偶然の本質 : パラサイコロジーを訪ねて / アーサー・ケストラー著 ; 村上陽一郎訳 東京 : 筑摩書房 , 2006.7. - (ちくま学芸文庫 )
■サンバガエルの謎 : 獲得形質は遺伝するか / アーサー・ケストラー [著] ; 石田敏子訳 東京 : 岩波書店 , 2002.12. - (岩波現代文庫 ; 社会 ; 71)
■ふだん着のアーサー・ケストラー / ジョージ・ミケシュ著 ; 小野寺健訳
東京 : 晶文社 , 1986.8. - (晶文社セレクション )
■ホロン革命 / アーサー・ケストラー著 ; 田中三彦, 吉岡佳子訳
東京 : 工作舎 , 1983.3
■機械の中の幽霊 : 現代の狂気と人類の危機 / アーサー・ケストラー著 ; 日高敏隆, 長野敬訳 東京 : ぺりかん社 , 1969.10. - (ぺりかん双書 ; 1)
■習慣と独創力 / アーサー・ケストラー著 ; 吉村鎮夫訳
東京 : ラテイス , 1967.1. - (創造活動の理論 / アーサー・ケストラー著 ; 下)
■芸術の源泉と科学の発見 / アーサー・ケストラー著 ; 大久保直幹[ほか]訳
東京 : ラテイス , 1966.12. - (創造活動の理論 / アーサー・ケストラー著 ; 上)