カール・ヴォルフガンク・ドイチュ(Karl Wolfgang Deutsch, 1912年7月21日 - 1992年11月1日)は、元ハーヴァード大学教授。プラハで生まれたドイツ人。カレル大学卒業後(1938年)、アメリカ合衆国に移住。マサチューセッツ工科大学、イェール大学で教える。
安全保障共同体(security community)という概念を提起。
- Nationalism and Social Communication: An Inquiry into the Foundations of Nationality, (MIT Press, 1953).
- The Nerves of Government: Models of Political Communication and Control, (Free Press, 1963).
- Arms Control and the Atlantic Alliance: Europe Faces Coming Policy Decisions, (Wiley, 1967).
- The Analysis of International Relations, (Prentice-Hall, 1968).
- Nationalism and its Alternatives, (Knopf, 1969).
- Politics and Government: How People Decide their Fate, (Houghton Mifflin, 1970).
- Tides among Nations, (Free Press, 1979).
- Political Community and the North Atlantic Area: International Organization in the Light of Historical Experience, with Sidney A. Bunrell, Robert A. Kann, and Maurice Lee, Jr., (Princeton University Press, 1957).
- Science and the Creative Spirit: Essay on Humanistic Aspects of Science, with F. E. L. Priestley and Harcourt Brown, (University of Toronto Press, 1958).
- Germany Rejoins the Powers: Mass Opinion, Interest Groups, and Elites in Contemporary German Foreign Policy, with Lewis J. Edinger, (Stanford University Press, 1959).
- Nationalism and National Development: An Interdisciplinary Bibliography, with Richard L. Merritt, (MIT Press, 1970).
- Nation-Building, co-edited with William J. Foltz, (Atherton Press, 1963).
- The Relevance of International Law: Essays in Honor of Leo Gross, with Stanley Hoffmann, (Schenkman, 1968).
- Mathematical Approaches to Politics, co-edited with Hayward R. Alker Jr., and Antoine H. Stoetzel, (Elsevier Scientific, 1973).